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  1. Zhao Y, Wang K, Chen D, et al. Development of microfluidic impedance cytometry enabling the quantification of specific membrane capacitance and cytoplasm conductivity from 100,000 single cells[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 111: 138-143.

  2. Cheng J, Shao J, Ye Y, Zhao Y, Huang C, Wang L, Li M, Microfluidic preconcentration chip with self-assembled chemical modified surface for trace carbonyl compounds detection[J], Sensors, 2018, 18: p. 4402

  3. Ye Y, Zhao Y, Cheng J, et al. Design, fabrication and characterisation of Si-based capillary-driven microfluidic devices[J]. Micro & Nano Letters, 2018, 13(12): 1682-1687.

  4. Sarfraz M M, Ullah F, Wang M, et al. A 6-Bit 0.13 μm SiGe BiCMOS Digital Step Attenuator with Low Phase Variation for K-Band Applications[J]. Electronics, 2018, 7(5): 74.

  5. Liu J, Li Q, Liu X, et al. Picowatt 0.5 V Supply with 3ppm/° C CMOS Voltage Reference for Energy Harvesting System[J]. IEICE Electronics Express, 2018: 15.20180372.

  6. Ullah F, Liu Y, Li Z, et al. A Bandwidth-Enhanced Differential LC-Voltage Controlled Oscillator (LC-VCO) and Superharmonic Coupled Quadrature VCO for K-Band Applications[J]. Electronics, 2018, 7(8): 127.

  7. Ullah F, Liu Y, Wang X, et al. Bandwidth-enhanced differential VCO and varactor-coupled quadrature VCO for mmWave applications[J]. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications[J], 2018, 95: 59-68.

  8. Wang M, Liu Y, Li Z, Wang X, Sarfraz M, Xiao Y, Zhang H, A 6-bit 38 GHz SiGe BiCMOS phase shifter for 5G phased array communications[J], IEICE Electronics Express,2017, 14(13): p.20170451

  9. Wang M, Wang X, Liu Y, Sarfraz M, Xiao Y, Zhang H, A CMOS dual-feedback reconfigurable low noise amplifier with improved stability and reduced noise, IEICE Electronics Express[J], 2017, 14(22): p. 20170985

  10. Sarfraz M, Liu Y, Ullah F, Wang M, Li Z, Zhang H, 4-Bit Ka Band SiGe BiCMOS Digital Step Attenuator[J], Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, 2017, 74: 31-40

  11. Yin, S., Lu, X., Xu, N., et al. (2015). Spoof surface plasmon polaritons in terahertz transmission through subwavelength hole arrays analyzed by coupled oscillator model[J], Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16440.


  1.  宋婷婷、李祎斐译, Amir Zjajo, Jose Pineda De Gyvez著,低功耗、高分辨率A-D转换器,机械工业出版社,2018.

  2.  Li L, Huang C, Zhang H, Micro/Nanoscale optical devices for hyperspectral imaging system, book chapter in Outlook and Challenges of Nano Devices, Sensors, and MEMS, Springer Publish, 2017,pp459-482.


  1) Huang C, Luo J, Zhao C, Particle screening device, US10119898B2, 2018.11.6

  2) Huang C, Luo J, Zhao C, Sensing apparatus, US20180045667A1, 2018.2.15

  3) Huang C, Luo J, Zhao C, Cell location unit, array, device and formation method thereof, US20170151574A1, 2017.6.1

  4) 张劭龙,刘苏,张以涛,耿兴光,张俊,侯洁娜,张海英。脉搏波传感器、传感器阵列及采用其的脉搏波测量装置。PCT/CN2017/092388,申请日:2017.7.10

  5) 刘苏,耿兴光,张劭龙,张以涛,张俊,张海英。基于热成像的关脉识别方法。PCT/CN2017/103401,申请日:2017.9.26

  6) 刘苏,张劭龙,耿兴光,张以涛,张俊,张海英。任意角度的边缘检测方法。PCT/CN2017/112917,申请日:2017.11.24

  7) 王小松,刘昱,张海英,时间数字转换器,CN106168753B,授权日:2018.10.23

  8) 张俊,张海英,杨浩,张以涛,一种红外加热理疗装置,CN105727455B,授权日:2018.11.9

  9) 李志强,萧延彬,刘昱,张海英,一种自动对齐的包络跟踪功率放大器结构,CN104836574B,授权日:2018.3.30

  10) 李志强,黄健欧,张海英,微带开关型移相器及应用其的移相模块CN105356014B,授权日:2018.5.8

  11) 路鑫超,刘虹遥,陈鲁,一种利用表面等离激元散射对纳米物质进行成像的检测方法。授权号:CN 104792746B,授权日:2018.6.26

  12) 路鑫超,刘虹遥,陈鲁,一种利用表面等离激元散射成像检测病毒的方法和装置。授权号:CN 104792735B,授权日:2018.1.23

  13) 王倩,刘昱,卫宝跃,张海英,离子敏感场效应管传感器及其电流模式读出电路,CN104614431AB,授权日:2017.5.10

  14) 刘昱,王倩,卫宝跃,张海英,离子敏感场效应管传感器及其电流模式读出电路,CN104677967B,授权日:2017.5.31

  15) 李志强,张雪,萧延彬,张海英,高频DC?DC降压拓扑和集成芯片以及相关系统,CN104242646B,授权日:2017.4.5

  16) 武振宇,黄水龙,张海英,一种跨导级线性度提高电路及应用其的混频器电路,CN104348419B,授权日:2017.7.18

  17) 李志强,萧延彬,张海英,一种包络跟踪电源和包络跟踪射频功率放大器,CN104300924B,授权日:2017.9.1

  18) 杨勇,张海英,杨浩,尹军舰,张俊,超带宽可集成读写器电路模块的UHF频段RFID读写器天线,CN104466353B,授权日:2017.10.31


  (一)  2018年,中科院微电子所健康电子中心李志强研究员获得由IEEE Standards Committee 颁发的杰出贡献奖,以表彰其在IEEE 802.11aj标准中所做的贡献。

  (二)  2017年,中科院微电子所健康电子中心研究人员李志强,张海英,王云峰,王小松获中国通信学会技术发明一等奖:“面向软定义总线的单载波超宽带短距通信技术”